Birth Culture’s Story

Jeniffer Revell, known as Jen The Doula, moved to Gainesville, FL, in 2018 with a dream of training teen doulas to serve their peers in birth, despite initially doubting its feasibility. In January 2020, a surprising experience at a birth, where her client's 11-year-old daughter assisted as a doula, reignited her vision. This experience inspired Jen to start teaching the young girl about birth and childbirth education. Over the years, Jen connected with community leaders and organizations, dedicating two years to developing a sustainable training model. As a result,  Birth Culture has been established and have begin training young doulas that will significantly impacting the community and the nation.

Jeniffer Revell ( Jen The Doula) CEO &Founder

What is Birth Culture?

Birth Culture is a nonprofit organization based in Florida, dedicated to training and empowering youth aged 16-24, particularly from the BIPOC community, to become professional doulas. The program offers a comprehensive 15-week training course, complete with mentorship from seasoned doulas to support Apprentices in all aspects of running a doula business.


To transform the community health dynamic by educating and empowering community birth workers to serve as compassionate and culturally aware leaders in reproductive and maternal healthcare.


A future where equity, cultural appreciation, and integrity are the foundations of maternal support and healthcare systems.

Guiding Principles

 1. Lead the nation by being the blueprint in relational maternal support and healthcare. We train people in prenatal, birth, postnatal support, and lactation while exposing them to endless career opportunities in maternal healthcare.

 2. Lead our local communities in redefining what reproductive, maternal, and relational support and education look like among the youth in our BIPOC communities.

3. Lead our youth by providing hands-on Doula training that bridges the gap between high school and postsecondary plans. Creating entrepreneur and workforce opportunities for our youth.